Subway Validation Results for Russia

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City Subway Lines Light Rail Lines Stations Interchanges Unused Entrances
Kazan Y J M sub: 1 / 1 lr: 0 / 0 st: 11 / 11 int: 0 / 0 ent: 0
Moscow Y J M sub: 14 / 14 lr: 5 / 5 st: 430 / 430 int: 73 / 73 ent: 3
⚠️ Warnings
No exits for a station (relation 16290623, "Пыхтино")
No exits for a station (relation 16290661, "Аэропорт Внуково")
ℹ️ Notices
A stop or a platform r13426423 belongs to multiple stop areas, might be correct
A stop or a platform w110920742 belongs to multiple stop areas, might be correct
A stop or a platform w110920744 belongs to multiple stop areas, might be correct
Route "4А" has different ref from master "4" (relation 302147, "Филёвская линия: Александровский сад → Москва-Сити")
Route "4А" has different ref from master "4" (relation 1463286, "Филёвская линия: Москва-Сити → Александровский сад")
Route "#a8bce2" has different colour from master "#acbfe3" (relation 1580607, "Бутовская линия: Бунинская аллея → Битцевский парк")
Route "#a8bce2" has different colour from master "#acbfe3" (relation 3873066, "Бутовская линия: Битцевский парк → Бунинская аллея")
Route "11А" has different ref from master "11" (relation 8119158, "Большая кольцевая линия: Деловой центр → Савёловская")
Route "11А" has different ref from master "11" (relation 8119159, "Большая кольцевая линия: Савёловская → Деловой центр")
Route "#ed9f2d" has different colour from master "#f6a602" (relation 10309185, "МЦД-1 «Белорусско-Савёловский диаметр»: Лобня => Одинцово")
Route "#ed9f2d" has different colour from master "#f6a602" (relation 10309186, "МЦД-1 «Белорусско-Савёловский диаметр»: Одинцово => Лобня")
Route "#df477c" has different colour from master "#e83f83" (relation 10309306, "МЦД-2 «Курско-Рижский диаметр»: Нахабино => Подольск")
Route "#df477c" has different colour from master "#e83f83" (relation 10309307, "МЦД-2 «Курско-Рижский диаметр»: Подольск => Нахабино")
Route "D4А" has different ref from master "D4" (relation 16275211, "МЦД-4А «Калужско-Нижегородский диаметр»: Новопеределкино => Солнечная")
Route "D4А" has different ref from master "D4" (relation 16275212, "МЦД-4А «Калужско-Нижегородский диаметр»: Солнечная => Новопеределкино")
Route "#df477c" has different colour from master "#e83f83" (relation 16664368, "МЦД-2 «Курско-Рижский диаметр»: Нахабино => Стрешнево")
Route "#df477c" has different colour from master "#e83f83" (relation 16664709, "МЦД-2 «Курско-Рижский диаметр»: Подольск => Царицыно")
Route "#df477c" has different colour from master "#e83f83" (relation 16664710, "МЦД-2 «Курско-Рижский диаметр»: Подольск => Москва-Курская")
Route "#df477c" has different colour from master "#e83f83" (relation 16664713, "МЦД-2 «Курско-Рижский диаметр»: Царицыно => Подольск")
Route "#df477c" has different colour from master "#e83f83" (relation 16664721, "МЦД-2 «Курско-Рижский диаметр»: Щербинка => Царицыно")
Route "#df477c" has different colour from master "#e83f83" (relation 16664726, "МЦД-2 «Курско-Рижский диаметр»: Стрешнево => Нахабино")
Route "#df477c" has different colour from master "#e83f83" (relation 16671251, "МЦД-2 «Курско-Рижский диаметр»: Москва-Курская => Нахабино")
Only one route in route_master. Please check if it needs a return route (relation 300607, "Кольцевая линия (внутреннее кольцо)")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 16664710, "МЦД-2 «Курско-Рижский диаметр»: Подольск => Москва-Курская")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 16664721, "МЦД-2 «Курско-Рижский диаметр»: Щербинка => Царицыно")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 16671251, "МЦД-2 «Курско-Рижский диаметр»: Москва-Курская => Нахабино")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 16560321, "МЦД-4 «Калужско-Нижегородский диаметр»: Железнодорожная => Крёкшино")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 16560323, "МЦД-4 «Калужско-Нижегородский диаметр»: Марьина Роща => Крёкшино")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 16560499, "МЦД-4 «Калужско-Нижегородский диаметр»: Нижегородская => Железнодорожная")
141 unused stations: n1062135937, n1062474614, n1062480585, n1062487275, n10712227612, n10923864099, n11188034787, n11193136333, n11200678676, n11200678682, n11217630824, n11217675237, n11217675244, n11223293659, n1145722295, n1167209019, n1267446918, n1380353785, n1387795431, n1405332172, ...
3 subway entrances are not connected to a station: n11172474368, n7299604239, n960299820
3 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations: n11172474368, n7299604239, n960299820
Moscow - Aeroexpress Y J M sub: 0 / 0 lr: 3 / 3 st: 22 / 22 int: 0 / 0 ent: 3
⚠️ Warnings
No exits for a station (relation 16290623, "Пыхтино")
No exits for a station (relation 16290661, "Аэропорт Внуково")
ℹ️ Notices
A stop or a platform r13426423 belongs to multiple stop areas, might be correct
A stop or a platform w110920742 belongs to multiple stop areas, might be correct
A stop or a platform w110920744 belongs to multiple stop areas, might be correct
Angle between stops around "Аэропорт Шереметьево — Северный терминал (B, C)" (pos) is too narrow, 39 degrees (relation 3255502, "Аэроэкспресс: Одинцово -> Шереметьево")
Angle between stops around "Аэропорт Шереметьево — Северный терминал (B, C)" (pos) is too narrow, 39 degrees (relation 3255503, "Аэроэкспресс: Шереметьево -> Одинцово")
503 unused stations: n1062135937, n1062474614, n1062480585, n1062487275, n10702113003, n10702213023, n10702213026, n10702442752, n10702471714, n10702624107, n10702624108, n10703951288, n10706343979, n10712227612, n10852613370, n10852613371, n10852613372, n10852613373, n10923864099, n11171697213, ...
3 subway entrances are not connected to a station: n11172474368, n7299604239, n960299820
3 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations: n11172474368, n7299604239, n960299820
Nizhny Novgorod Y J M sub: 2 / 2 lr: 0 / 0 st: 16 / 16 int: 0 / 0 ent: 0
Novosibirsk Y J M sub: 2 / 2 lr: 0 / 0 st: 13 / 13 int: 1 / 1 ent: 4
⚠️ Warnings
Under construction feature n8551123999 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 3737231, "Ленинская линия: Заельцовская → Площадь Маркса")
ℹ️ Notices
4 subway entrances are not connected to a station: n10576072216, n570742323, n914760487, n914760515
4 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations: n10576072216, n570742323, n914760487, n914760515
Saint Petersburg Y J M sub: 5 / 5 lr: 0 / 0 st: 71 / 71 int: 7 / 7 ent: 0
⚠️ Warnings
No exits for a station (relation 10110724, "Проспект Славы")
No exits for a station (relation 10842672, "Дунайская")
Samara Y J M sub: 1 / 1 lr: 0 / 0 st: 10 / 10 int: 0 / 0 ent: 0
Volgograd Y J M sub: 0 / 0 lr: 2 / 2 st: 40 / 40 int: 0 / 0 ent: 0
Yekaterinburg Y J M sub: 1 / 1 lr: 0 / 0 st: 9 / 9 int: 0 / 0 ent: 0