Subway Validation Results for Philippines

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City Subway Lines Light Rail Lines Stations Interchanges Unused Entrances
Manila J M sub: 1 / 1 lr: 2 / 2 st: 51 / 51 int: 3 / 3 ent: 6
ℹ️ Notices
1 unused stations: w564479403
6 subway entrances are not connected to a station: n10595465721, n10881224407, n11350315470, n12155417359, n1279894265, n2315778711
6 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations: n10595465721, n10881224407, n11350315470, n12155417359, n1279894265, n2315778711
More than one network: Manila MRT (1); LRT (1); Manila LRT (1)