Subway Validation Results for Mexico

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City Subway Lines Light Rail Lines Stations Interchanges Unused Entrances
Guadalajara sub: 1 / 1 lr: 2 / 2 st: 48 / 48 int: 3 / 3 ent: 0
⚠️ Warnings
Under construction feature w1285644840 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 15962948, "Línea 4 del Tren Eléctrico Urbano de Guadalajara")
Route has only one stop (relation 15962948, "Línea 4 del Tren Eléctrico Urbano de Guadalajara")
ℹ️ Notices
Missing colour on a route (relation 15962948, "Línea 4 del Tren Eléctrico Urbano de Guadalajara")
Station in route is not a node (way 1232808557, "Las Juntas")
1 unused stations: w1232808557
Mexico City sub: 12 / 12 lr: 2 / 2 st: 220 / 220 int: 30 / 31 ent: 50
⚠️ Warnings
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 1142629, "Tren Ligero (Tasqueña - Xochimilco)")
Unknown member type for relation 7935465 in route (relation 5365308, "Línea 7 (El Rosario --> Barranca del Muerto)")
Found 30 interchanges, expected 31
ℹ️ Notices
Route "#005eb8" has different colour from master "#0080ff" (relation 443191, "Línea 2 (Cuatro Caminos → Tasqueña)")
Route "#009a44" has different colour from master "#30c090" (relation 443195, "Línea 8 (Garibaldi/Lagunilla --> Constitución de 1917)")
Route "#6bbbae" has different colour from master "#80ffff" (relation 443196, "Línea 4 (Martín Carrera → Santa Anita)")
Route "#b1b3b3" has different colour from master "#408080" (relation 443198, "Línea B (Buenavista → Ciudad Azteca)")
Route "#ffd100" has different colour from master "#ffff11" (relation 443204, "Línea 5 (Politécnico → Pantitlán)")
Route "#af9800" has different colour from master "#ae9d27" (relation 443206, "Línea 3 (Indios Verdes → Universidad)")
Route "#da291c" has different colour from master "#e00050" (relation 443209, "Línea 6 (Martín Carrera --> El Rosario)")
Route "#512f2e" has different colour from master "#804000" (relation 443224, "Línea 9 (Tacubaya --> Pantitlán)")
Route "#0554ba" has different colour from master "#233e81" (relation 1142629, "Tren Ligero (Tasqueña - Xochimilco)")
Route "L1" has different ref from master "TL" (relation 1142629, "Tren Ligero (Tasqueña - Xochimilco)")
Route "#0554ba" has different colour from master "#233e81" (relation 1402127, "Tren Ligero (Xochimilco - Tasqueña)")
Route "L1" has different ref from master "TL" (relation 1402127, "Tren Ligero (Xochimilco - Tasqueña)")
Route "#981d97" has different colour from master "#a3277d" (relation 1429929, "Línea A (La Paz --> Pantitlán)")
Route "#b0a32a" has different colour from master "#b69764" (relation 3165694, "Línea 12 (Mixcoac --> Tláhuac)")
Route "#e87722" has different colour from master "#ff8000" (relation 5365308, "Línea 7 (El Rosario --> Barranca del Muerto)")
Route "#6bbbae" has different colour from master "#80ffff" (relation 7935350, "Línea 4 (Santa Anita → Martín Carrera)")
Route "#ffd100" has different colour from master "#ffff11" (relation 7935362, "Línea 5 (Pantitlán → Politécnico)")
Route "#b0a32a" has different colour from master "#b69764" (relation 7935367, "Línea 12 (Tláhuac --> Mixcoac)")
Route "#e87722" has different colour from master "#ff8000" (relation 7935373, "Línea 7 (Barranca del Muerto --> El Rosario)")
Route "#981d97" has different colour from master "#a3277d" (relation 7935379, "Línea A (Pantitlán --> La Paz)")
Route "#009a44" has different colour from master "#30c090" (relation 7935421, "Línea 8 (Constitución de 1917 --> Garibaldi/Lagunilla)")
Route "#b1b3b3" has different colour from master "#408080" (relation 7935432, "Línea B (Ciudad Azteca → Buenavista)")
Route "#005eb8" has different colour from master "#0080ff" (relation 7935435, "Línea 2 (Tasqueña → Cuatro Caminos)")
Route "#512f2e" has different colour from master "#804000" (relation 7935440, "Línea 9 (Pantitlán --> Tacubaya)")
Route "#af9800" has different colour from master "#ae9d27" (relation 7935445, "Línea 3 (Universidad → Indios Verdes)")
Route "#da291c" has different colour from master "#e00050" (relation 7935450, "Línea 6 (El Rosario --> Martín Carrera)")
22 unused stations: n1111845446, n11477212878, n11477215153, n2266111986, n332582398, n7393104448, n9155621516, r17318665, w1178449762, w1251768786, w1251768787, w1258735833, w1258748282, w1258831691, w1258837519, w1258849166, w1298653807, w1298653808, w1298660154, w1298660155, ...
50 subway entrances are not connected to a station: n10121786856, n10186972404, n10301412256, n10302887911, n10568945310, n10568953710, n10568953809, n10585452980, n10585452982, n10585452983, n10585452984, n10585452985, n10585452986, n10585452987, n10585452988, n10585452989, n10585452990, n10585452992, n10585452998, n10585452999, ...
76 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations: n10121786856, n10186972404, n10301412256, n10302887911, n10560661415, n10560661515, n10568945310, n10568953710, n10568953809, n10585452975, n10585452976, n10585452977, n10585452978, n10585452979, n10585452980, n10585452982, n10585452983, n10585452984, n10585452985, n10585452986, ...
Monterrey sub: 3 / 3 lr: 0 / 0 st: 41 / 41 int: 2 / 2 ent: 0