Subway Validation Results for Italy

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City Subway Lines Light Rail Lines Stations Interchanges Unused Entrances
Brescia J M sub: 1 / 1 lr: 0 / 0 st: 17 / 17 int: 0 / 0 ent: 0
ℹ️ Notices
1 unused stations: n12489026065
Catania J M sub: 1 / 1 lr: 0 / 0 st: 12 / 12 int: 0 / 0 ent: 0
⚠️ Warnings
Duplicate element in a stop area (relation 18640659, "Catania")
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 6878036, "Metropolitana 1: Stesicoro → Monte Po")
ℹ️ Notices
1 unused stations: n7758321985
Genoa J M sub: 1 / 1 lr: 0 / 0 st: 8 / 8 int: 0 / 0 ent: 0
⚠️ Warnings
Under construction feature w878004657 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 386165, "Metropolitana Brignole - Brin")
Unknown member type for way 1197597415 in route (relation 386165, "Metropolitana Brignole - Brin")
Unknown member type for way 1197597416 in route (relation 2177189, "Metropolitana Brin - Brignole")
Under construction feature w25916152 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 2177189, "Metropolitana Brin - Brignole")
Milan J M sub: 5 / 5 lr: 0 / 0 st: 134 / 134 int: 9 / 9 ent: 45
⚠️ Warnings
Stop area r7646798 belongs to multiple interchanges
Naples J M sub: 3 / 3 lr: 8 / 8 st: 202 / 202 int: 6 / 6 ent: 0
⚠️ Warnings
Hole in route rails near node n4870667326 (relation 386098, "Linea 1 (Piscinola → Garibaldi)")
Unknown member type for way 225006568 in route (relation 2168312, "Linea 4 (Montesanto → Torregaveta)")
Unknown member type for way 1359106315 in route (relation 2168312, "Linea 4 (Montesanto → Torregaveta)")
Unknown member type for way 1311381907 in route (relation 2168312, "Linea 4 (Montesanto → Torregaveta)")
Unknown member type for way 631694226 in route (relation 2168312, "Linea 4 (Montesanto → Torregaveta)")
Unknown member type for way 29617665 in route (relation 2168312, "Linea 4 (Montesanto → Torregaveta)")
Unknown member type for way 924959187 in route (relation 2168312, "Linea 4 (Montesanto → Torregaveta)")
Unknown member type for way 918948829 in route (relation 2168312, "Linea 4 (Montesanto → Torregaveta)")
Unknown member type for way 29626159 in route (relation 2168312, "Linea 4 (Montesanto → Torregaveta)")
Unknown member type for way 1346892841 in route (relation 2168312, "Linea 4 (Montesanto → Torregaveta)")
Under construction feature w1311377018 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 2168312, "Linea 4 (Montesanto → Torregaveta)")
Under construction feature w225006948 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 2168312, "Linea 4 (Montesanto → Torregaveta)")
Hole in route rails near node n4906385275 (relation 2168312, "Linea 4 (Montesanto → Torregaveta)")
Stop position "Cappuccini" (n8753996335) is not on tracks (relation 2168312, "Linea 4 (Montesanto → Torregaveta)")
Stop position "Pozzuoli" (n8753996338) is not on tracks (relation 2168312, "Linea 4 (Montesanto → Torregaveta)")
Unknown member type for way 225006568 in route (relation 2168313, "Linea 4 (Torregaveta → Montesanto)")
Under construction feature w225006948 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 2168313, "Linea 4 (Torregaveta → Montesanto)")
Under construction feature w1311377018 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 2168313, "Linea 4 (Torregaveta → Montesanto)")
Unknown member type for way 1346892841 in route (relation 2168313, "Linea 4 (Torregaveta → Montesanto)")
Unknown member type for way 29626159 in route (relation 2168313, "Linea 4 (Torregaveta → Montesanto)")
Unknown member type for way 918948829 in route (relation 2168313, "Linea 4 (Torregaveta → Montesanto)")
Unknown member type for way 924959187 in route (relation 2168313, "Linea 4 (Torregaveta → Montesanto)")
Unknown member type for way 29617665 in route (relation 2168313, "Linea 4 (Torregaveta → Montesanto)")
Unknown member type for way 631694226 in route (relation 2168313, "Linea 4 (Torregaveta → Montesanto)")
Unknown member type for way 1311381907 in route (relation 2168313, "Linea 4 (Torregaveta → Montesanto)")
Unknown member type for way 1359106315 in route (relation 2168313, "Linea 4 (Torregaveta → Montesanto)")
Hole in route rails near node n11003359383 (relation 2168313, "Linea 4 (Torregaveta → Montesanto)")
Stop position "Pozzuoli" (n8753996338) is not on tracks (relation 2168313, "Linea 4 (Torregaveta → Montesanto)")
Stop position "Cappuccini" (n8753996335) is not on tracks (relation 2168313, "Linea 4 (Torregaveta → Montesanto)")
ℹ️ Notices
Angle between stops around "Quattro Giornate" (pos) is too narrow, 43 degrees (relation 386098, "Linea 1 (Piscinola → Garibaldi)")
Angle between stops around "Quattro Giornate" (pos) is too narrow, 44 degrees (relation 2168102, "Linea 1 (Garibaldi → Piscinola)")
74 unused stations: n10787842471, n10788118085, n10788125627, n10788126725, n10788134600, n10788137666, n10788159685, n1082702539, n11406300756, n11407285511, n11407285512, n11407285513, n11407285515, n11799910986, n1215079672, n12294030825, n12294092351, n1368490417, n1449317329, n1449317333, ...
Rome J M sub: 4 / 4 lr: 3 / 3 st: 144 / 144 int: 4 / 4 ent: 0
ℹ️ Notices
A stop or a platform w81353204 belongs to multiple stop areas, might be correct
A stop or a platform w81353217 belongs to multiple stop areas, might be correct
208 unused stations: n10686948470, n10689180905, n1097216286, n1106054690, n1106057325, n1106326444, n1107333143, n1111387140, n1114058040, n1114058068, n11781549238, n11914253808, n12048036719, n12096686702, n12294092349, n1233102601, n12390931543, n12390969229, n12401870811, n12415827824, ...
Rome - Leonardo Express J M sub: 0 / 0 lr: 1 / 1 st: 2 / 2 int: 0 / 0 ent: 0
ℹ️ Notices
A stop or a platform w81353204 belongs to multiple stop areas, might be correct
A stop or a platform w81353217 belongs to multiple stop areas, might be correct
53 unused stations: n10686948470, n10689180905, n11598771774, n11598771782, n11598771784, n11599863852, n11599863855, n11599863857, n11599880399, n12343185884, n1313285440, n1313285444, n1313285445, n1313285451, n1313285465, n1313285472, n1313285477, n1313285478, n1313285481, n1420849984, ...
Turin J M sub: 1 / 1 lr: 0 / 0 st: 23 / 23 int: 0 / 0 ent: 0