ℹ️ Notices
77 unused stations: n5589074564, n5589079417, n6345447451, n6347395095, n6347508738, n6347508739, n6347519924, n6349828887, n6349828888, n6349834608, n6349834609, n6349834611, n6349837552, n6349840812, n6349841373, n6349848367, n6349852055, n6349856961, n6365601881, n6383721768, ... 53 subway entrances are not connected to a station: n1356382908, n1523456437, n1523456445, n1523456477, n1523456481, n1523456486, n1523456511, n1523456553, n1903603549, n1978311328, n1978311330, n1978311512, n1978311519, n2045924671, n2045924675, n2045924682, n2045924689, n2097459064, n2445063054, n2445063057, ... 59 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations: n10739768389, n1269080316, n1356382908, n1523456437, n1523456445, n1523456477, n1523456481, n1523456486, n1523456511, n1523456553, n1903603549, n1903934583, n1903934586, n1978311328, n1978311330, n1978311512, n1978311519, n2045924671, n2045924675, n2045924682, ...
ℹ️ Notices
Stop Kén utca ( pos) is included in the r5752954 but not included in r5752971 ( relation 5752971, "H6 => Tököl") Stop Kén utca ( pos) is included in the r5752957 but not included in r5752964 ( relation 5752964, "H6 => Ráckeve") Stop Szigetszentmiklós alsó ( pos) is included in the r7347929 but not included in r7347924 ( relation 7347924, "H6 => Közvágóhíd") Stop Horgásztanyák ( pos) is included in the r7347928 but not included in r7347925 ( relation 7347925, "H6 => Közvágóhíd") Stop Angyalisziget ( pos) is included in the r7347928 but not included in r7347925 ( relation 7347925, "H6 => Közvágóhíd") 58 unused stations: n5217774759, n5217774760, n5217774761, n5217774762, n5217774763, n5217774764, n5217774765, n5217774766, n5217774767, n5217774768, n5217774769, n5217774770, n5217774771, n5217774772, n5217774773, n5217774774, n5217774775, n5217774776, n5217774777, n5217774778, ... 53 subway entrances are not connected to a station: n1356382908, n1523456437, n1523456445, n1523456477, n1523456481, n1523456486, n1523456511, n1523456553, n1903603549, n1978311328, n1978311330, n1978311512, n1978311519, n2045924671, n2045924675, n2045924682, n2045924689, n2097459064, n2445063054, n2445063057, ... 59 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations: n10739768389, n1269080316, n1356382908, n1523456437, n1523456445, n1523456477, n1523456481, n1523456486, n1523456511, n1523456553, n1903603549, n1903934583, n1903934586, n1978311328, n1978311330, n1978311512, n1978311519, n2045924671, n2045924675, n2045924682, ...