Subway Validation Results for Germany

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City Subway Lines Light Rail Lines Stations Interchanges Unused Entrances
Berlin J M sub: 9 / 9 lr: 0 / 0 st: 203 / 203 int: 19 / 19 ent: 5
Berlin S-Bahn J M sub: 0 / 0 lr: 16 / 16 st: 383 / 383 int: 7 / 7 ent: 5
⚠️ Warnings
Under construction feature w5086964 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 2269238, "S2: S Blankenfelde => S Bernau")
Hole in route rails near node n34660469 (relation 2269238, "S2: S Blankenfelde => S Bernau")
Under construction feature w5086964 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 3019045, "S2: S Lichtenrade => S Bernau")
Hole in route rails near node n34660469 (relation 3019045, "S2: S Lichtenrade => S Bernau")
ℹ️ Notices
Angle between stops around "Waßmannsdorf, S-Bahnhof" (pos) is too narrow, 29 degrees (relation 2139598, "S45: S Flughafen BER => S Südkreuz")
Angle between stops around "Waßmannsdorf, S-Bahnhof" (pos) is too narrow, 29 degrees (relation 2139599, "S45: S Südkreuz => S Flughafen BER")
Angle between stops around "Waßmannsdorf, S-Bahnhof" (pos) is too narrow, 29 degrees (relation 2389945, "S9: S Flughafen BER => S Spandau")
Angle between stops around "Waßmannsdorf, S-Bahnhof" (pos) is too narrow, 29 degrees (relation 2389946, "S9: S Spandau => S Flughafen BER")
Only one route in route_master. Please check if it needs a return route (relation 14981, "S41: Ring im Uhrzeigersinn ↻")
Only one route in route_master. Please check if it needs a return route (relation 14983, "S42: Ring gegen den Uhrzeigersinn ↺")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 3019044, "S2: S Buch => S Lichtenrade")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 3019045, "S2: S Lichtenrade => S Bernau")
308 unused stations: n10660744519, n107606908, n1169704080, n11891045337, n1189108079, n12140888378, n12140888379, n129730678, n1332803400, n1383430678, n143788468, n1498939809, n1736633839, n174817813, n181315256, n1832746710, n1844476281, n1852095850, n1870089918, n1894165224, ...
5 subway entrances are not connected to a station: n12438809750, n12578919573, n12616610024, n12616614412, n359088633
5 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations: n12438809750, n12578919573, n12616610024, n12616614412, n359088633
Bremen S-Bahn J M sub: 0 / 0 lr: 5 / 5 st: 80 / 80 int: 0 / 0 ent: 0
ℹ️ Notices
Route "#5cb14c" has different colour from master "#5cda21" (relation 6925892, "RS30: Bad Zwischenahn => Bremen")
Route "#ff0000" has different colour from master "#99c77d" (relation 18471314, "RS3: Oldenburg => Wilhelmshaven")
Route "#ff0000" has different colour from master "#99c77d" (relation 18471315, "RS3: Bremen => Wilhelmshaven")
Route "#ff0000" has different colour from master "#99c77d" (relation 18471316, "RS3: Bremen => Bad Zwischenahn")
Route "#ff0000" has different colour from master "#99c77d" (relation 18471317, "RS3: Bremen => Oldenburg")
Route "#ff0000" has different colour from master "#99c77d" (relation 18471318, "RS3: Wilhelmshaven => Bremen")
Route "#ff0000" has different colour from master "#99c77d" (relation 18471319, "RS3: Oldenburg => Bremen")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 18471314, "RS3: Oldenburg => Wilhelmshaven")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 18471316, "RS3: Bremen => Bad Zwischenahn")
86 unused stations: n1027865206, n11446880499, n1190098676, n1190098849, n1269844426, n1309111419, n1365512132, n1365512133, n1382924827, n1565106240, n1811418887, n1811420301, n1980204148, n1980204157, n1980204160, n21661361, n22314914, n22314990, n231422637, n2325143322, ...
Dresden S-Bahn J M sub: 0 / 0 lr: 4 / 4 st: 76 / 76 int: 0 / 0 ent: 0
⚠️ Warnings
Unknown member type for way 361413321 in route (relation 67541, "S-Bahn S 3: Dresden => Freiberg")
Unknown member type for way 352647574 in route (relation 67541, "S-Bahn S 3: Dresden => Freiberg")
Unknown member type for way 361413315 in route (relation 67541, "S-Bahn S 3: Dresden => Freiberg")
Hole in route rails near node n1311047558 (relation 67541, "S-Bahn S 3: Dresden => Freiberg")
Unknown member type for way 361413320 in route (relation 67556, "S-Bahn S 3: Freiberg => Dresden")
Unknown member type for way 352647573 in route (relation 67556, "S-Bahn S 3: Freiberg => Dresden")
Hole in route rails near node n3579248989 (relation 67556, "S-Bahn S 3: Freiberg => Dresden")
Unknown member type for way 352158586 in route (relation 3763550, "S-Bahn S 8: Kamenz => Dresden")
Unknown member type for way 140142444 in route (relation 3763550, "S-Bahn S 8: Kamenz => Dresden")
Unknown member type for way 31164785 in route (relation 3763550, "S-Bahn S 8: Kamenz => Dresden")
Unknown member type for way 361411802 in route (relation 3763550, "S-Bahn S 8: Kamenz => Dresden")
Hole in route rails near node n3350768767 (relation 3763550, "S-Bahn S 8: Kamenz => Dresden")
Unknown member type for way 361411802 in route (relation 5462996, "S-Bahn S 8: Dresden => Kamenz")
Unknown member type for way 31164785 in route (relation 5462996, "S-Bahn S 8: Dresden => Kamenz")
Unknown member type for way 140142444 in route (relation 5462996, "S-Bahn S 8: Dresden => Kamenz")
Unknown member type for way 352158586 in route (relation 5462996, "S-Bahn S 8: Dresden => Kamenz")
Hole in route rails near node n12341394206 (relation 5462996, "S-Bahn S 8: Dresden => Kamenz")
Unknown member type for way 352158586 in route (relation 14072910, "S-Bahn S 8: Kamenz => Arnsdorf => Dresden")
Unknown member type for way 140142444 in route (relation 14072910, "S-Bahn S 8: Kamenz => Arnsdorf => Dresden")
Unknown member type for way 31164785 in route (relation 14072910, "S-Bahn S 8: Kamenz => Arnsdorf => Dresden")
Unknown member type for way 361411802 in route (relation 14072910, "S-Bahn S 8: Kamenz => Arnsdorf => Dresden")
Hole in route rails near node n3350768767 (relation 14072910, "S-Bahn S 8: Kamenz => Arnsdorf => Dresden")
Unknown member type for way 361411802 in route (relation 14072911, "S-Bahn S 8: Dresden => Arnsdorf => Kamenz")
Unknown member type for way 31164785 in route (relation 14072911, "S-Bahn S 8: Dresden => Arnsdorf => Kamenz")
Unknown member type for way 140142444 in route (relation 14072911, "S-Bahn S 8: Dresden => Arnsdorf => Kamenz")
Unknown member type for way 352158586 in route (relation 14072911, "S-Bahn S 8: Dresden => Arnsdorf => Kamenz")
Hole in route rails near node n12341394206 (relation 14072911, "S-Bahn S 8: Dresden => Arnsdorf => Kamenz")
ℹ️ Notices
A stop or a platform n1634618118 belongs to multiple stop areas, might be correct
A stop or a platform w255401948 belongs to multiple stop areas, might be correct
296 unused stations: n1020634314, n1035672873, n104020562, n104021128, n104021775, n104022021, n104022033, n104022043, n104051759, n10601768765, n10834364803, n10864566325, n11001472126, n11001472151, n11458728562, n11899272555, n11919758357, n11998848481, n11998848482, n12106328711, ...
Frankfurt J M sub: 9 / 9 lr: 0 / 0 st: 164 / 166 int: 2 / 0 ent: 0
⚠️ Warnings
Found 164 stations in routes, expected 166
Found 2 interchanges, expected 0
ℹ️ Notices
Stop Konstablerwache (pos) is included in the r66630 but not included in r939237 (relation 939237, "U4: Enkheim => Bockenheimer Warte")
Stop Konstablerwache (pos) is included in the r66631 but not included in r939239 (relation 939239, "U5: Preungesheim => Hauptbahnhof")
1 unused stations: n4208590193
Hamburg J M sub: 4 / 4 lr: 0 / 0 st: 104 / 104 int: 1 / 1 ent: 0
Hamburg S-Bahn J M sub: 0 / 0 lr: 4 / 4 st: 97 / 97 int: 0 / 0 ent: 0
Hannover S-Bahn J M sub: 0 / 0 lr: 10 / 10 st: 143 / 143 int: 0 / 0 ent: 0
ℹ️ Notices
Angle between stops around "Hannover Bismarckstraße" (pos) is too narrow, 40 degrees (relation 53992, "S5: Hannover Flughafen => Paderborn Hbf")
Angle between stops around "Hannover Bismarckstraße" (pos) is too narrow, 40 degrees (relation 54014, "S1: Haste => Minden (Westf)")
Angle between stops around "Hannover Bismarckstraße" (pos) is too narrow, 40 degrees (relation 54021, "S2: Nienburg (Weser) => Haste")
Angle between stops around "Hannover Bismarckstraße" (pos) is too narrow, 40 degrees (relation 2417905, "S5: Paderborn Hbf => Hannover Flughafen")
Angle between stops around "Hannover Bismarckstraße" (pos) is too narrow, 40 degrees (relation 2548860, "S1: Minden (Westf) => Haste")
Angle between stops around "Hannover Bismarckstraße" (pos) is too narrow, 40 degrees (relation 2681556, "S2: Haste => Nienburg (Weser)")
Angle between stops around "Hannover Bismarckstraße" (pos) is too narrow, 40 degrees (relation 4435865, "S21: Barsinghausen => Hannover Hbf")
Angle between stops around "Hannover Bismarckstraße" (pos) is too narrow, 40 degrees (relation 4435866, "S21: Hannover Hbf => Barsinghausen")
Angle between stops around "Hannover Bismarckstraße" (pos) is too narrow, 40 degrees (relation 4437465, "S5: Hannover Flughafen => Bad Pyrmont")
Angle between stops around "Hannover Bismarckstraße" (pos) is too narrow, 40 degrees (relation 4437466, "S5: Hannover Flughafen => Hameln")
Angle between stops around "Hannover Bismarckstraße" (pos) is too narrow, 40 degrees (relation 4437467, "S51: Seelze => Hameln")
Angle between stops around "Hannover Bismarckstraße" (pos) is too narrow, 40 degrees (relation 4447844, "S51: Hameln => Seelze")
Angle between stops around "Hannover Bismarckstraße" (pos) is too narrow, 40 degrees (relation 4467127, "S5: Bad Pyrmont => Hannover Flughafen")
Angle between stops around "Hannover Bismarckstraße" (pos) is too narrow, 40 degrees (relation 4467128, "S5: Hameln => Hannover Flughafen")
83 unused stations: n11602943955, n174045577, n1867687997, n1867710401, n1867710404, n1867710418, n191080709, n2015926135, n2240190288, n236223219, n243509266, n25715386, n2639868390, n268466125, n268466126, n28384804, n290206441, n290247419, n290283221, n290283977, ...
Leipzig S-Bahn J M sub: 0 / 0 lr: 13 / 13 st: 250 / 251 int: 1 / 1 ent: 0
⚠️ Warnings
Found 250 stations in routes, expected 251
ℹ️ Notices
Multiple platforms for a station " (w1020683229) in a route relation (relation 2606967, "S-Bahn S 5: Halle (Saale) Hbf => Zwickau (Sachs) Hbf")
Multiple platforms for a station " (w1020683228) in a route relation (relation 2606967, "S-Bahn S 5: Halle (Saale) Hbf => Zwickau (Sachs) Hbf")
540 unused stations: n1013333550, n1015563613, n1015563615, n1020634314, n104020562, n104021128, n104021775, n104022021, n104022033, n104022043, n104051759, n1055406062, n10660900775, n10834364803, n10864566325, n10914308241, n10941568666, n10956822136, n10956822137, n11001472126, ...
Magdeburg S-Bahn J M sub: 0 / 0 lr: 1 / 1 st: 28 / 28 int: 0 / 0 ent: 2
ℹ️ Notices
24 unused stations: n10289524282, n1048920006, n11272131294, n12165396831, n12165530364, n262858218, n2775989781, n2776195486, n2776195488, n2776195492, n307422637, n3093817044, n32881714, n32881716, n353017266, n415372305, n447341745, n4731047562, n6535074318, n6596850665, ...
2 subway entrances are not connected to a station: n9053997188, n9053997189
2 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations: n9053997188, n9053997189
Munich J M sub: 8 / 8 lr: 0 / 0 st: 162 / 162 int: 4 / 4 ent: 1
ℹ️ Notices
1 subway entrances are not connected to a station: n740596531
1 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations: n740596531
Munich S-Bahn J M sub: 0 / 0 lr: 9 / 9 st: 264 / 264 int: 1 / 1 ent: 1
ℹ️ Notices
Route does not have a return direction (relation 14052077, "S-Bahn S20: Höllriegelskreuth => Grafrath")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 14052078, "S-Bahn S20: Höllriegelskreuth => Leienfelsstraße => Grafrath")
224 unused stations: n1058668074, n10862294, n11016297821, n11298382, n11298518, n11298551, n1138852692, n1138852701, n1164166848, n11718104081, n1189888870, n1198025945, n1198027367, n1245953341, n1245955214, n1260714663, n1308695474, n13796529, n13796546, n13796591, ...
1 subway entrances are not connected to a station: n740596531
1 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations: n740596531
Nuremberg J M sub: 3 / 3 lr: 0 / 0 st: 57 / 57 int: 1 / 1 ent: 0
ℹ️ Notices
Route does not have a return direction (relation 10517754, "U-Bahn U1: Eberhardshof => Aufseßplatz")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 10517755, "U-Bahn U1: Eberhardshof => Hasenbuck")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 10517756, "U-Bahn U1: Gostenhof => Nürnberg Langwasser Süd")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 10517757, "U-Bahn U1: Gostenhof => Messe")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 10517758, "U-Bahn U1: Eberhardshof => Nürnberg Langwasser Süd")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 10517759, "U-Bahn U1: Fürth Hardhöhe => Messe")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 10517760, "U-Bahn U1: Eberhardshof => Messe")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 10517761, "U-Bahn U1: Scharfreiterring => Nürnberg Langwasser Süd")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 10517762, "U-Bahn U1: Fürth-Stadthalle => Nürnberg Langwasser Süd")
2 unused stations: n319806465, n5320396623
Nuremberg S-Bahn J M sub: 0 / 0 lr: 6 / 6 st: 99 / 99 int: 0 / 0 ent: 0
⚠️ Warnings
A railway station cannot be a relation of type public_transport (relation 8192227, "Neumarkt (Oberpf)")
ℹ️ Notices
Stop Strullendorf (pos) is included in the r17013061 but not included in r17013060 (relation 17013060, "S-Bahn S1: Bamberg => Neumarkt (Oberpf)")
Stop Fürth (Bayern) Hauptbahnhof (pos) is included in the r17013073 but not included in r17013074 (relation 17013074, "S-Bahn S1: Neumarkt (Oberpf) => Forchheim (Oberfr.)")
Stop Nürnberg-Mögeldorf (pos) is included in the r17016691 but not included in r17016694 (relation 17016694, "S-Bahn S2: Hersbruck (links Pegnitz) => Roth")
Stop Nürnberg Ostring (pos) is included in the r17016691 but not included in r17016694 (relation 17016694, "S-Bahn S2: Hersbruck (links Pegnitz) => Roth")
Stop Nürnberg-Dürrenhof (pos) is included in the r17016691 but not included in r17016694 (relation 17016694, "S-Bahn S2: Hersbruck (links Pegnitz) => Roth")
159 unused stations: n10676431783, n10676577794, n10890056312, n1113282688, n11165474970, n1517583504, n1517586316, n1539236964, n15431113, n15431862, n15477970, n1585044529, n1585044532, n1585094513, n1608466906, n1624365829, n2144004140, n2438145035, n2478186980, n256506085, ...
Rhein-Ruhr J M sub: 14 / 14 lr: 4 / 4 st: 394 / 394 int: 0 / 0 ent: 0
⚠️ Warnings
Unknown member type for way 1274450587 in route (relation 5756095, "U73: Gerresheim → Universität Ost")
ℹ️ Notices
Route does not have a return direction (relation 2425656, "U70: Handelszentrum → Krefeld Rheinstraße")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 2425657, "U70: Krefeld Rheinstraße → Düsseldorf Hbf")
Stop Vor der Hardt (pos) is included in the r5756095 but not included in r5756096 (relation 5756096, "U73: Universität Ost → Gerresheim")
12 unused stations: n2069813793, n254699078, n2554016455, n2554016633, n3010526841, n3451673948, n3881681607, n6124260494, n6300147421, n6429363995, n6512841906, n6603876760
Rhine-Main S-Bahn J M sub: 0 / 0 lr: 9 / 9 st: 208 / 208 int: 1 / 1 ent: 0
ℹ️ Notices
A stop or a platform n4246126302 belongs to multiple stop areas, might be correct
A stop or a platform n1278052886 belongs to multiple stop areas, might be correct
A stop or a platform n257429948 belongs to multiple stop areas, might be correct
A stop or a platform w112361876 belongs to multiple stop areas, might be correct
A stop or a platform w112361894 belongs to multiple stop areas, might be correct
A stop or a platform r7763195 belongs to multiple stop areas, might be correct
A stop or a platform r7763196 belongs to multiple stop areas, might be correct
198 unused stations: n10700307692, n11502587744, n11716769723, n11830345898, n1279132771, n141307127, n1415212032, n1540490502, n1629097568, n17658611, n222291795, n2408291235, n242554992, n244106235, n245975050, n2476435975, n250760124, n250760150, n251151848, n253212060, ...
Rostock J M sub: 0 / 0 lr: 3 / 3 st: 45 / 45 int: 0 / 0 ent: 0
⚠️ Warnings
Duplicate element in a stop area (relation 3859437, "Dierkower Kreuz")
Duplicate element in a stop area (relation 16262509, "Bertolt-Brecht-Straße")
A railway station cannot be a relation of type public_transport (relation 8201798, "Laage (Meckl)")
Unknown member type for way 1218723205 in route (relation 57147, "S1: Rostock Hbf → Warnemünde")
Unknown member type for way 154519722 in route (relation 57147, "S1: Rostock Hbf → Warnemünde")
Unknown member type for way 108778482 in route (relation 57147, "S1: Rostock Hbf → Warnemünde")
Unknown member type for way 108778480 in route (relation 57147, "S1: Rostock Hbf → Warnemünde")
Hole in route rails near node n9689508250 (relation 57147, "S1: Rostock Hbf → Warnemünde")
Unknown member type for way 1218723205 in route (relation 2609003, "S2: Güstrow → Schwaan → Rostock Hbf → Warnemünde")
Unknown member type for way 154519722 in route (relation 2609003, "S2: Güstrow → Schwaan → Rostock Hbf → Warnemünde")
Unknown member type for way 108778482 in route (relation 2609003, "S2: Güstrow → Schwaan → Rostock Hbf → Warnemünde")
Unknown member type for way 108778480 in route (relation 2609003, "S2: Güstrow → Schwaan → Rostock Hbf → Warnemünde")
Hole in route rails near node n9689508250 (relation 2609003, "S2: Güstrow → Schwaan → Rostock Hbf → Warnemünde")
Unknown member type for way 108778480 in route (relation 2609004, "S3: Warnemünde → Rostock Hbf → Laage → Güstrow")
Unknown member type for way 108778482 in route (relation 2609004, "S3: Warnemünde → Rostock Hbf → Laage → Güstrow")
Unknown member type for way 154519722 in route (relation 2609004, "S3: Warnemünde → Rostock Hbf → Laage → Güstrow")
Unknown member type for way 1218723205 in route (relation 2609004, "S3: Warnemünde → Rostock Hbf → Laage → Güstrow")
Hole in route rails near node n1247180362 (relation 2609004, "S3: Warnemünde → Rostock Hbf → Laage → Güstrow")
Unknown member type for way 108778480 in route (relation 7774230, "S2: Warnemünde → Rostock Hbf → Schwaan → Güstrow")
Unknown member type for way 108778482 in route (relation 7774230, "S2: Warnemünde → Rostock Hbf → Schwaan → Güstrow")
Unknown member type for way 154519722 in route (relation 7774230, "S2: Warnemünde → Rostock Hbf → Schwaan → Güstrow")
Unknown member type for way 1218723205 in route (relation 7774230, "S2: Warnemünde → Rostock Hbf → Schwaan → Güstrow")
Hole in route rails near node n1247180362 (relation 7774230, "S2: Warnemünde → Rostock Hbf → Schwaan → Güstrow")
Stuttgart J M sub: 0 / 0 lr: 16 / 16 st: 424 / 424 int: 1 / 1 ent: 0
ℹ️ Notices
Multiple platforms for a station "Ruit (w440247573) in a route relation (relation 253394, "U8: Nellingen Ostfildern => Vaihingen")
Multiple platforms for a station "Ruit (w875847759) in a route relation (relation 253394, "U8: Nellingen Ostfildern => Vaihingen")
Multiple platforms for a station "Ruit (w440247573) in a route relation (relation 253395, "U8: Vaihingen => Nellingen Ostfildern")
Multiple platforms for a station "Ruit (w875847759) in a route relation (relation 253395, "U8: Vaihingen => Nellingen Ostfildern")
Multiple platforms for a station "Ruit (w440247573) in a route relation (relation 445602, "U7: Nellingen Ostfildern => Mönchfeld")
Multiple platforms for a station "Ruit (w875847759) in a route relation (relation 445602, "U7: Nellingen Ostfildern => Mönchfeld")
Multiple platforms for a station "Ruit (w440247573) in a route relation (relation 445603, "U7: Mönchfeld => Nellingen Ostfildern")
Multiple platforms for a station "Ruit (w875847759) in a route relation (relation 445603, "U7: Mönchfeld => Nellingen Ostfildern")
Multiple platforms for a station "Stadionstraße (w1011262034) in a route relation (relation 898581, "U6: Gerlingen => Flughafen/Messe")
Multiple platforms for a station "Stadionstraße (w1011262039) in a route relation (relation 898581, "U6: Gerlingen => Flughafen/Messe")
Multiple platforms for a station "Stadionstraße (w1011262034) in a route relation (relation 898582, "U6: Flughafen/Messe => Gerlingen")
Multiple platforms for a station "Stadionstraße (w1011262033) in a route relation (relation 898582, "U6: Flughafen/Messe => Gerlingen")
Multiple platforms for a station "SSB-Zentrum (w372485164) in a route relation (relation 1214007, "U12: Remseck => Dürrlewang")
Multiple platforms for a station "SSB-Zentrum (w34653238) in a route relation (relation 1214007, "U12: Remseck => Dürrlewang")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 9355170, "U15: Olgaeck => Stammheim")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 9355172, "U15: Pragsattel => Stammheim")
4 unused stations: n3034811520, n5618947224, n5621285504, n5647126641
Stuttgart S-Bahn J M sub: 0 / 0 lr: 8 / 8 st: 163 / 163 int: 1 / 1 ent: 0
⚠️ Warnings
train_station_entrance is not a node (way 693578077, "")
train_station_entrance is not a node (way 149711561, "")