Subway Validation Results for Canada

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City Subway Lines Light Rail Lines Stations Interchanges Unused Entrances
Calgary J M sub: 0 / 0 lr: 2 / 2 st: 47 / 47 int: 3 / 3 ent: 4
ℹ️ Notices
Stop 3 Street Southwest (pos) is included in the r1924533 but not included in r9729896 (relation 9729896, "CTrain Blue Line: Saddletowne → 69 Street")
Stop 3 Street Southwest (pos) is included in the r9729911 but not included in r2653243 (relation 2653243, "CTrain Red Line: Somerset–Bridlewood → Tuscany")
4 subway entrances are not connected to a station: n12070564010, n12070564011, n12070564012, n12070564013
4 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations: n12070564010, n12070564011, n12070564012, n12070564013
Edmonton J M sub: 0 / 0 lr: 3 / 3 st: 37 / 37 int: 1 / 1 ent: 12
ℹ️ Notices
Route "23R" has different ref from master "Valley Line" (relation 7700090, "Valley Line")
Route "23R" has different ref from master "Valley Line" (relation 16653794, "Valley Line")
1 unused stations: n11969599678
12 subway entrances are not connected to a station: n10184683769, n12206022654, n12206285779, n12206371405, n12206371438, n12459312186, n12580318035, n12580318041, n12580318047, n12580318051, n12580318058, n1779733167
12 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations: n10184683769, n12206022654, n12206285779, n12206371405, n12206371438, n12459312186, n12580318035, n12580318041, n12580318047, n12580318051, n12580318058, n1779733167
Montreal J M sub: 4 / 4 lr: 1 / 1 st: 78 / 78 int: 5 / 5 ent: 27
⚠️ Warnings
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 3228497, "Ligne bleue vers Snowdon")
Ottawa J M sub: 0 / 0 lr: 3 / 3 st: 27 / 27 int: 1 / 1 ent: 0
⚠️ Warnings
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 16190572, "O-Train Line 2: Limebank → Bayview")
ℹ️ Notices
Missing colour on a route (relation 16176186, "O-Train Line 4: Airport / Aéroport → South Keys")
Missing colour on a route (relation 16176187, "O-Train Line 4: South Keys → Airport / Aéroport")
Missing colour on a route (relation 16190572, "O-Train Line 2: Limebank → Bayview")
Missing colour on a route (relation 16190573, "O-Train Line 2: Bayview → Limebank")
Toronto J M sub: 3 / 3 lr: 1 / 1 st: 77 / 77 int: 4 / 4 ent: 1
⚠️ Warnings
Duplicate element in a stop area (relation 10621336, "Dixie")
ℹ️ Notices
1 subway entrances are not connected to a station: n12455032586
1 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations: n12455032586
More than one network: Toronto subway (3); GTAA (1)
Vancouver J M sub: 3 / 3 lr: 0 / 0 st: 58 / 58 int: 2 / 2 ent: 0
⚠️ Warnings
Wrong role 'station' for stop n4259127079 (relation 207813, "Expo Line: King George → Waterfront")
Wrong role 'station' for stop n4259127079 (relation 207814, "Expo Line: Production Way-University → Waterfront")
Under construction feature w392377336 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 207814, "Expo Line: Production Way-University → Waterfront")
Wrong role 'platform_exit_only' for stop n25325837 (relation 5881418, "Millennium Line: Lafarge Lake–Douglas → VCC-Clark")
Stop position in a platform role in a route (node 25325837, "VCC–Clark")
Wrong role 'platform_entry_only' for stop n5324786153 (relation 5881436, "Canada Line: Richmond-Brighouse → Waterfront")
Stop position in a platform role in a route (node 5324786153, "Richmond–Brighouse")
Wrong role 'platform_exit_only' for stop n5324786153 (relation 5881437, "Canada Line: Waterfront → Richmond-Brighouse")
Stop position in a platform role in a route (node 5324786153, "Richmond–Brighouse")
Wrong role 'platform_entry_only' for stop n5324621994 (relation 7252767, "Millennium Line: VCC-Clark → Lafarge Lake–Douglas")
Stop position in a platform role in a route (node 5324621994, "VCC–Clark")
Unknown member type for way 379690565 in route (relation 7882446, "Expo Line: Waterfront → Production Way-University")
Unknown member type for way 925300336 in route (relation 7882446, "Expo Line: Waterfront → Production Way-University")
Hole in route rails near node n3830188299 (relation 7882446, "Expo Line: Waterfront → Production Way-University")
ℹ️ Notices
Multiple platforms for a station " (w667980382) in a route relation (relation 207813, "Expo Line: King George → Waterfront")
Angle between stops around "Burrard" (pos) is too narrow, 34 degrees (relation 207813, "Expo Line: King George → Waterfront")
Multiple platforms for a station " (w667980382) in a route relation (relation 207814, "Expo Line: Production Way-University → Waterfront")
Angle between stops around "Burrard" (pos) is too narrow, 34 degrees (relation 207814, "Expo Line: Production Way-University → Waterfront")
Angle between stops around "Burrard" (pos) is too narrow, 39 degrees (relation 5881297, "Expo Line: Waterfront → King George")
Angle between stops around "Burrard" (pos) is too narrow, 39 degrees (relation 7882446, "Expo Line: Waterfront → Production Way-University")
1 unused stations: n885221502
Waterloo J M sub: 0 / 0 lr: 1 / 1 st: 19 / 19 int: 0 / 0 ent: 0